It’s entirely possible that we here at have been screaming “R2-D2 coffee press!!!” at each other all morning already. (We can do that because, as Chris Lough pointed out, unlike R2 we have mouths, and sometimes we must scream.) Like for instance when we learn that we can buy a tiny R2 who will give us delicious life-giving coffee. As if the creepy Jawa lawn ornaments weren’t enough, the mad geniuses of ThinkGeek have decided to bestow this piece of loveliness upon us.
We can only hope it beeps with increasing fury as the coffee brews.
Here’s R2 with a belly full of coffee, just waiting to pour:
And here’s a side view:
The R2-D2 coffee press!!! will be available in early November from ThinkGeek, which gives you plenty of time to procure blue milk for lattes.
[via io9!]